US Energy Plan

Growing domestic production of natural gas and crude oil through 2040 is our plan.

The U.S. Energy Administration's forecast calls for 3 more decades of fossil fuels supplying the majority of our energy needs. We'd like to hear your thoughts on this course of action and it's effects on human civilizations and our environment in light of what we know today about the science of greenhouse gas warming.

 US Energy Information Administration

EIA Fuel Use Forecast

1 comment:

  1. Here is an answer I have found, and why I believe this is among the most important issues humans have ever faced:

    "Do the math, and the world only has 485 PgC left in the budget. This balance puts us on track to exhaust our remaining carbon budget before the end of 2045 under a carbon intensive trajectory."

    Enacting the energy plan of Industry and our government will warm the planet 4 degrees under best case scenarios. Worst case scenarios include tripping warming feedback loops - like the Arctic's methane melting - which will end our species in very short order as megatons of methane tip our climate into non-life supporting states.
